Life Update: Guess who’s 18?!

Happy Birthday to my Little sister! 

Happy 18th Birthday, Sam!! I’m so proud of everything you do!

Being such an important person in my life, I felt that Sam really deserved some recognition on this important birthday! She’s a freshman at Quinnipiac University studying Political Science and is already totally rocking college life. I couldn’t be more grateful (especially this time of year) to have a sister like you. Thank you for always being my best friend and watching all my shows with me. Keep on being amazing, I can’t think of anyone else who is going to change the world like you will. I love you!

For those of you who don’t know Sam, if you’re following the blog at all, you’ll definitely know her soon. She’s a star at makeup and hair, and helps me a ton with mine. She’s also brilliant and owning it at school, and a superstar in her own right. If you want to give her a follow, here’s her Instagram.

I wanted to use this momentous birthday as the opportunity to formally introduce Sam to the blog world. (My older sister, Katie, is obviously also making appearances! You may have already seen her in my post about L.L. Bean’s recent Bean Boot Sale.) Sam’s school is less than an hour away, so we have been lucky enough to still spend a lot of time together.

Also side-note: Jake and I have been dating since Sam was 12, so the two of them definitely have a sibling-like relationship with one another (Squad goals, am I right?) All three of us share a love for Mint Ice Cream, which is obviously pretty important to me, so I think that could be why we work together so well.

You’ll be seeing a lot of Sam very soon! For now, take a look at some of our best moments:













  1. Erica says:

    This post is so cute!!!!! Love your blog Dani!!!

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