The Shift to “Late Twenties”

When I turned 27 this past October, I kept joking around with “Wait…does this tilt me to my late twenties?” Arguably, I had already hit late twenties at 26, but I probably would have personally put myself in the “mid twenties” group at that point. I’ll start by saying age is just a number and this isn’t something that bothers me at all. Truthfully, I probably prefer it to my early twenties, just based on having a better sense of myself and what I ultimately want. I’m not 30, it’s not a monumental age, but at the same time it certainly puts a sense of perspective on what’s to come and what has already passed.

Wearing: Dudley Stephens

I think, when I was in college, I probably thought of this age as the one where I probably have everything together by now. (I definitely don’t.) But, at the same time, I’m proud of my progress and everything I’ve achieved since then. I think this is a time in life where many people are still at very different places. Some are still pursuing degrees. Some have children. Some are career focused. Some are living it up and having a great time! All paths are correct and everyone should do what they want when they want. Isn’t that the point?

I still have a few years, so I’m certainly not feeling that sense of my twenties “coming to an end” but I think this part of life does a great job of showing you who your real friends are and what really matters most. Maybe it’s my own personal experiences that’s putting this rosie tint on this chapter, but I’m definitely happier in many ways than I was in other, younger, phases. With your twenties being such a confusing time, between college and careers, “late twenties” feels a little more like the focus is getting a little more clearer and your closest friends are coming in just a little closer.

I’ll reiterate: Age, really is, just a number…but I really am finding that I’m probably happier as I get older. Maybe it’s the ability to make my own choices, having a home with Jake or having a (somewhat) clearer sense of my future. But it’s also me realizing that there’s really no “peak” in life. It’s more mountains and valleys, highs and lows, that push and pull you through.

If you’re in your “late twenties” – do you feel similar?