Being a “Planner”

I have been a “planner” for literally my entire life. I remember absolutely hating when other kids canceled playdates or when the “unexpected” happened. Honestly, when things didn’t go according to the plan in my head, it was always what threw me off the most. In some ways, it’s still true! Except now, I’m a grownup, so I’ve gotten pretty used to things not always following my original expectation. 😉

Planning, overall, has served me really well. It keeps me motivated to get things done, it allows me to make sure I always stay in touch with friends (even if plans need to be far off in the distance due to, well, distance.) Both career and school wise, I’ve always been super organized because of my need to plan ahead. I’ve also literally been regularly using a planner since the 6th grade.  I remember losing it once in middle school and being absolutely devastated. Meanwhile, most of my friends at the time didn’t even regularly use theirs as 12 year olds, lol. This school year, I’m purchasing this Rifle Paper Co. planner to stay organized. Unlike some people, I actually use the same planner for both work and my personal life. I love having it all in one place (on paper…) and it makes me really happy to have the visual. 🙂

Shirt was a Marshall’s purchase two years ago but was made by Eliane Rose. These exact Jack Rogers can be made in the custom section of their site. L.L. Bean tote with the leather straps is about 5 years old at this point, but they last forever so I always recommend getting a tote from them! (With a monogram, of course..!) Shorts are high rise denim from J.Crew.

However, I’m also weirdly good at keeping it all in my head. I always know what I’m doing 3-4 Saturday’s from now, and can sort of “see” what’s upcoming in my calendar without having to actually look at it. (lol there’s nothing wrong with me, I promise!) This is a really useful quality but also a strange one, haha! Don’t get me wrong, my incessant planning can cause me stress too. If there’s an obstacle in coming up with a plan or obtaining one, it can be really challenging to make sure it doesn’t bother me. But, in all honestly,  the good far outweighs the bad. For one, I never forget to make dinner reservations! I also always have a “plan” for when friends/family and I can see each other next, plus what fun thing we can do, or even what we need to do to get something done. Typically, having a plan in advance makes “stuff”, in general, a lot more fun!

So, if you’re not a planner, how do you become one? Well, if you’re not naturally one, you probably won’t be exactly like me when it comes to planning (btw: That’s probably a good thing!) but, I have a few keys pieces of advice that have for sure helped others in my life.

Find Your Visual

If your problem is checking thing off lists or planning dates ahead of time, find your visual. For me, it’s my pretty planner. I like stuff that’s aesthetically pleasing to me. This year, it’s my Rifle Paper Co. planner I purchase each year. However, I have also really benefitted from both Vera Bradley Planners and Lily Pulitzer planners in the past. Not everyone loves the planner method! Some prefer the bullet journal (read here for why I definitely don’t….) and other people just prefer their phone calendar. There’s also a bajillion calendar apps that can help keep you organized! Even a simple wall calendar for your home or a desk calendar for work can be enough to keep your dates organized. Plus, have fun with it! Get some colorful pens and make it pretty! Add doodles and drawing to personalize the “fun” days on your calendar. Whatever it takes to keep you feeling motivated about your organization! 😉


Find Your Focus

What part of planning do you feel you need to work on? For some, it’s just planning ahead and making sure you’re thinking about what you physically need for what comes next. It sounds simple, but when you’re feeling down, flustered, or disorganized, you might find it hard to think about everything you need.

Every time you leave the house, think through your day: “Okay, I’m going to work, but I want to get groceries after work. So I should grab reusable bags for the grocery store….I also have a meeting after work, so I should probably bring a large water bottle so I feel hydrated throughout the day…” It seems like silly stuff, but taking a moment each morning to pause at the door and truly think through the “plan” of your day really really helps. It’s something I do everyday, and I think it’s actually really important to my routine! You may even find it beneficial to write it down ahead of time to make sure you have everything you need before leaving for the morning.

Another strategy is regularly using the reminders on your phone. This is a big one for a lot of people! I typically use this method the most the morning before a big trip. I set a reminder for each “last thing” I need to add to my bag around the time I no longer need it. For example, if I brush my teeth around 7:30 before leaving, I set a reminder at 7:40 to “Pack Toothbrush.” It keeps you moving and getting what you need to get done at just the right times.

What do you do to make sure you’re always planning ahead?