Best Store-Bought Mint

I have no idea why I haven’t already done this post. If you didn’t already know from my logo, half the reason the blog is called “The Minty Pink” is because of my love and devotion for mint ice cream. However, not all mint ice cream is created equal. I have tried a variety of brands, as well as ice cream shops, and I know how to appreciate a quality mint ice cream. So let me start by saying: I could be a professional mint ice cream reviewer. I’m that good.

Now, let me start this reveal by saying nothing compares to a locally made mint ice cream from an ice cream shop. Honestly, that’s top notch for me and I like it as is. No Oreos, no whip cream, no hot fudge. just basic. It’s the best and most refreshing way to eat it. However, this is about store bought, so here we go.

Let’s start with pints. Keep in mind, they all have their strengths! I’ve tried Halo Top – not my favorite to be honest, but good when it comes to low calorie mint enjoyment. If you’re looking for something more “healthy” it’s probably your best choice. Ben and Jerry’s Mint Chocolate cookie is, obviously, delicious. I love their simple plain mint but, sadly it is only at their stores. If I could buy their plain mint regularly at my local CVS, I might change my mind about best store bought pints when it comes to mint ice cream. Ben and Jerry’s is also just an extraordinary company, so I’m literally always happy to support them. I always opt for this if I want that mint/cookie combo.

However, onward, because I’m looking for some simplicity here and I just can’t always purchase that with Ben and Jerry. Now, although technically gelato, Talenti Mediterranean Mint is superb. I have accidentally bought their pistachio instead of their mint when I wasn’t paying attention (tragic.) so BE CAREFUL NOT TO DO THAT because it’s really quite disappointing. The Talenti Mint has a serious freshness to it and is ultra smooth. I like that it’s green unlike the three pints I mentioned above, but that’s not actually “natural” so that doesn’t appeal to everyone. The chocolate chips are a reasonable size, which is very important to me. But it’s technically not ice cream, so it doesn’t win.

The winner of a simple pint of mint ice cream? Haagen-Dazs Mint Chip Ice Cream. The actual ice cream is the right amount of smooth (sometimes gelato is too smooth for me) but also quite scoop-able. The chocolate chips are made of some serious quality chocolate and have that nice *snap* when you bite into them. It’s unbelievably refreshing when you take a bite – and yes, I bite my ice cream. If you’re looking for a delicious pint of ice cream, all for you, without the candies or extras, this is the one. The downside? A bit pricey. However, still the winner in my books for pints!

Onto Family Cartons: When it comes to store bought, I’ve tried a lot as well. There’s the classic Friendlies mint, which I enjoy. This one has particularly large and crunchy chocolate chips, if you’re into that. I think it’s partially because I grew up in New England getting it at our local Friendlies, but I think this is a decent grocery mint. But, not number one as far as family cartons go….

The best family carton? Turkey Hill Choco Mint Chip. It is divine and the best deal for mint ice cream. Pints are expensive. My favorite part is that, unlike some of my favorite pints, the chocolate chips are unbelievably tiny. Tinier than any other brand I’ve bought in store! But this is what makes it unique and delicious. You get chocolate chips with every bite, bringing a balance to the flavor. The actual mint portion of it is literally addictive. I cannot stop buying this mint ice cream. I literally become SAD when they are out in the grocery store. Also, it’s green.

(Pssst…the Ice Cream in the photo is Turkey Hill Choco Mint Chip!)

There you have it! The Best Mint Ice Creams. Enjoy!