Finally Accepted at Hogwarts!

This is it, you guys! I have finally been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I know, big moment over here – I’ve only been waiting since 5th grade. Literally on my way to Ollivander’s STAT. But seriously, if you haven’t downloaded the new Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery game, you should definitelyyyy do it. Like, look how cute the Harry Potter version of me is! And OBVIOUSLY I’m a Hufflepuff, because #loyalty.

ANYWAY, I’m rather excited about this because this game gives you, what feels like, a unique Hogwarts experience. No, there’s no golden trio, but you get to attend Hogwarts lessons – learning spells, potion making, and even having your own friendships – and enemy’s! Oooooh, the drama! Although I’ve only just started, what I really love is the ability to create your own character and explore the castle. Seriously, where was this game when I was a kid?

In all honesty, I haven’t been playing that long (it came out yesterday….) but, there are a couple downsides. #1: It wouldn’t let me choose my own name for my character. Which, quite frankly, is sad. So, meet Elizabeth Neville, everyone! #2: My character has been stuck in the position pictured below for about 20 min (don’t ask.) because I ran out of energy – and I can either sit around and wait to gain some or – you guessed it – pay up. Quite frankly, I don’t really spend money within mobile games, even if I am roaming Hogwarts.

So, here I am, already caught up in Devils Snare. Of course, now the game wants me paying a couple dollars to get out of this mess in real time. But see that clock on the top? Yeah, I’m waiting this one out. Personally, I usually am a stop & go gamer anyway (omg I called myself a gamer…), and don’t feel the need to pay for “energy”.

However, I have to say, the designers of this game really rocked it when it comes to the Hufflepuff common room. The whole aesthetic is exactly as I’ve always pictured it, and I would love nothing more to live in an alternate universe where the wizarding world exists and I got to spend my schooling years there. I probably just made things weird but THAT’S FINE. But seriously, those chairs paired with the wooden beams is just too lovely.

My nerd is showing and I don’t even care. To be honest, my passion for Potter has already served me well in my teaching career, and I would love nothing more than to take my trip #2 to Harry Potter World as soon as possible.

This is my favorite Harry Potter Alex and Ani ring – one of my favorite pieces of jewelry!

What are your thoughts on the game so far? What houses have you chosen for yourselves?