Personal Summer Wishlist

Ahh, summer. It’s here! It’s finally hot, I’m wearing shorts, my Jack Rogers are on my feet and I’m ready to fly away somewhere fun! Okay, minus the last part because pandemic but I am totally determined to have some fun this summer.

I’ve had more time than usual today and, after cleaning the entirety of the apartment, I decided to put together a list of a few of the things I’ve been eyeing recently. Are all of these summer related? Uhh, no. But they are things I find myself going back to over and over online, and (hopefully) items that will bring me joy if I, eventually, purchase any of them!

The first? A bike.

I’ve been dying to go bike riding lately. I don’t know if it’s the weather or just feeling like there’s not as much to do, but I think it would be so fun to start riding my bike on bike trails or around our neighborhood. I haven’t done it regularly in years, and I can’t even tell you the last time I owned it a bike, but I’ve been looking at this Reid Bike for weeks. Obviously I love the pink but it would be so nice to have the basket too so I could ride with what I needed! Not sure I’ll take the plunge just yet, but it’s certainly on my wish list.

The second item on my wish list is the DryBar hair straightener. My sister Sam has it and I use it every time I could to my parents house. Sam’s hair is much curlier than mine, I have more of a slight wave than any curls, but it still makes a huge difference on my hair. Obviously I haven’t been able to cut my hair in a while, so this makes it feel sleek and shiny. It also has made me realize how long my hair has actually gotten! Not sure we are at college Dani level of length yet, but we are definitely getting there. So looking forward to getting back to my salon once it feels safe! I have a couple Amazon gift cards, so I might actually splurge on this one too so I can have one for myself! I use their Sake bomb shampoo and conditioner regularly – they make my hair incredibly smooth!


Next is the camo loafer by Rothy’s. First of all, I wear my leopard print Rothy’s all the time. I’m obsessed with them! But I think getting a pattern is so worth it. I think some people avoid it because it’s a pricier flat and they want to wear it often – but what’s great about both leopard print and camo is that you can mix and match it with tons of colors. Typically, I’m not into camo. Jake was shocked when I pointed out how badly I wanted these! But, the orange stripe on the back totally caught my eye and I don’t even really want to admit how often I end up on the site to check them out!

I have also been dying for there to be a bit more color in my kitchen! I mean, we all know Jake does the majority of the cooking but I love to bake and this oven mit is too beautiful! I’m a major Rifle Paper Co fan, so I’m always looking for shops on Etsy that create items out of their fabric. The talent these people have is incredible! This one is particularly gorgeous but the shop owner has tons of designs.

Okay this wish list item is definitely unique but trust me when I say I’ve been eyeing these for a whileeee. Plum Island Drift creates gorgeous pieces out of driftwood and I’ve been wanting one of the whales so badly for our wall. I’m thinking either over the TV or the couch but, naturally, can’t decide. The size I buy is totally dependent on where I want to hang it, so I’ve been holding out! However, it’s something I’m sure I’ll take the plunge on as soon as I figure out where it would go best. I love this one but they sell so fast!


What items do you find yourself going back to over and over lately?