Westport: My New Discovery

Everyone who actually grew up in this area of Connecticut probably thinks I’m nuts for not knowing about Westport but, until last weekend, I had never ventured over to Westport before. I felt like someone had plopped one of my all time favorite Rhode Island towns right into my home state, and I could not get over both the aesthetic and vibe of the town. It was adorable in every sense of the word, and I, without a doubt, had a perfect day there last weekend. Particularly because the weather was, weirdly, warm!

Turtleneck top is Gap – it’s the perfect weight for layering! Open (extremely soft) cardigan is also Gap. Shoes are a new favorites of mine – truly can’t stop wearing these leopard print Rothy’s! You can’t see it in this photo, but I’m particularly into the red stripe on the back of them. Jeans are Gap! Bag is old Kate Spade but this one is so similar!

Originally, Jake and I went because I had heard a lot about it and *really* wanted to check out the Serena and Lily store. We have this Serena and Lily quilt on our bed (with the pillow cases to match) and we actually paired it with these sheets – they are so comfortable! The quality of the quilt is amazing and I’m so thankful I ended up going with the blue over a neutral – I was so torn at the time! However, I’m ultimately glad I went with my first instinct, because I still think it’s just gorgeous! I love the weight of it – I don’t like when something is *too* heavy, but it has enough weight where you feel cozy with just the quilt.

I’m just an overall a hugeeee fan of the company. First of all, the way they set it up is pretty brilliant. As far as the store goes, they took an old house and decorated it as if you’re walking through a home the way they would have designed it with their products. Obviously, I was wishing I could just walk away with everything! It’s definitely expensive, and not in the budget to deck my whole apartment out with S & L, but wow do I wish I could!

Huge fan of this piece in a bedroom – the left and right doors open to shelves (which I prefer for sweaters  – I like to see everything!) and the middle three are nice deep drawers. 

I mean, how perfect are each of these rooms?! I’m a huge fan of the wide chairs by the fire place. Jake didn’t even want to get up out of them! Overall, a lovely experience and even just a fun way to get ideas for what I love. However, the grey living room with the pink accents is 100% my favorite. It’s similar to how I styled our Pottery Barn couch with the pillows I found at Pier 1! Also, if I had an island in my apartment, I would be extremely tempted by the stools in the photo above….

After we sought out Serena and Lily, spending quite a bit of time there, Jake and I made our way through the shops. Everything is just beautiful and you’re right by the water. Which is, of course, incredibly charming. We actually decided to ultimately ditch the shops and started walking through the more residential part of the town. I fell head over heels!

Obviously, the weather was much warmer that weekend, but we really did have the best time ever! We spent the whole day there.

What’s your favorite town to explore on the weekend?