2018: A Year in Reflection

This year, for me personally, has been both amazing and exhausting. So many awesome things happened!:

I got glasses, I visited Charlotte, North Carolina, I passed all of my tests for grad school and teaching certification,  I celebrated Pj’s Golden Birthday, I went to Portugal with Jake’s family, I touched Taylor Swift’s hand, I found Poshmark and fell in love with it, I went to Cape Cod for the first time,  I turned 24, the amazing J.K Rowling like my Halloween photo on Twitter, I saw Hamilton, celebrated my Grammy’s 90th Birthday with my whole family, saw The Cursed Child, my parents were beyond amazing and gifted me with a new car, I GRADUATED and finished the best student teaching experience I could have had. It was an AMAZING ride, and I’m so grateful for my life and the people in it. Plus, The Minty Pink expanded so much! I’m so lucky to do what I love!!!

Coat is J. Crew (one of my new favorites ever!), jeans are J. Crew – I just love the dark wash, New Balance sneakers were a gift from Jake from their collaboration with J. Crew (I love the shiny rose gold paired with the navy!), sunglasses are coach

Despite all that happened, last year around this time, I made my NYE 2018 resolutions list. I’m going to take a moment to see if I *actually* completed any of these resolutions. Which ones will I continue, and what do I need to work on more or scrap all together?

  1. MORE BLOGGING: Yes! I definitely did this! The blog has now been in full function for well over a year, and I always get out a post each week. For 2019, I want to try for three posts a week…I feel like I’m ready to take it to the next step for sure. I actually have some exciting plans for The Minty Pink that I’m looking forward to eventually sharing with you all later this year… 🙂
  2. ZUMBA: I….uh…. did not do well with this. I went twice. I didn’t like how small the class sizes were, and I chickened out and never went back. Try again? Maybe.
  3. GRADUATE: Haha! Yes! I did this! THANK GOODNESS I’M SO HAPPY IT’S OVER!!!!! It was such a struggle, but I’m officially a “master.” I was able to finish the program with a 4.0 for the entire duration, so that’s something I feel really proud about accomplishing as well.
  4. GIVE BACK: I think I gave back when I could, for sure. I would love to do something more regularly once I have a salary again (student teaching forced me to budget like crazy), but I’m looking forward to finding new ways to give back to my community in 2019. Any suggestions? I love doing volunteer work with the kids!
  5. EAT BETTER: Yes and no. This is something that I feel I can always improve on, but I’ve definitely been taking note to not to eat desert quite as often as a I used to. If I do, I try to make sure it’s on a day where I got a lot of movement in. It’s all a balancing act, but I’m getting there. I think this will really improve once Jake and I get our apartment later this summer. I’m looking forward to cooking more often than I do at the moment….
  6. SAVE MONEY: You know, I have to say, despite not having a regular paycheck for four months, I did a pretty good job with this. I utilized Poshmark, where I was able to put some money away. I also have always made sure to put money away with each paycheck I did get, for freelance work or gifts. It definitely was a struggle but, somehow, I made it work and was still able to put some aside. This is something I want to keep up for sure!
  7. DOWN TIME: lol this about to get a whole lot better now that I have graduated. It’s been a dream just being able to take some time to myself this week. I want to make sure that, in 2019, I’m journaling as frequently at as used to. I think this really allows me to make control of any anxieties I have, and it’s a great way to feel calm before bedtime. If anything, this is certainly the most *useful* downtime for me. I just got a few pretty journals from one of my students as a graduation gift, so I’ve actually been using those this past week!

As far as 2019 goes, most of the above still very much applies. I might not be as specific as Zumba this time around 😉 Mainly, I want to make sure I’m moving and taking care of my body where it continues to *work* my entire life – Jake and I have been going on 4 mile walks recently, and I think that really helps to keep me happy and feeling good about my day! Plus, my Apple Watch loves it too!

I’m really looking forward to what 2019 has in store. This has been *the* year for a while where a lot is going to happen for me…my first apartment, a teaching job, and whole lot more for The Minty Pink. I feel like there’s going to be so many exciting milestones!

P.S. I just love this phone case from Rifle Paper Co. !

Were you able to complete your 2018 NYE resolutions? Do you have any for this year?