Life Update: Goodbye, Student Teaching

It’s absolutely crazy to me that my student teaching journey is, officially, over. I had a pretty unique experience, as I was able to student teach in the building that I had already previously worked in as a building substitute for a couple of years. This really gave me an advantage, because my certified teacher already was aware of what I already knew how to do, and I feel like I was really able to push myself to that *next level* of teaching.

In addition to that, I had known this group of students since they were third graders. So, even though I don’t get to spend the entirety of the year in their room, I really truly feel like this was my first class. I miss them so much, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget any of their awesome personalities.

Turtleneck is L.L. Bean

Student teaching had its really challenging moments, especially when it came to the seminar work and certification process for the state. Observations, obviously, will always be stressful. However, I’ve been feeling remarkably emotional about the whole thing. I’ve been dying to be done with this program so long (and am VERY thankful I’m done…), but the ending of student teaching has left a teeny tiny (giant?) hole in my heart. I sincerely hope these students keep in touch, and can only hope I left the positive impact on them that they left on me.

Yesterday, I gave them a surprise visit before break, and they gifted me with the most beautiful book filled with letters and goodbye notes. It took everything in my not to cry! These kids have taught me so much – and have only confirmed for me that this is, most definitely, the right path for me. I don’t totally know for sure what’s coming next, but I couldn’t be more excited for it! Oh, and I’m pretty grateful for my certified teacher. We already knew each other before this process, but I feel immensely thankful to have found a life long friend and mentor teacher for life. I can’t reiterate how much she has taught and helped me! There has been an abundance of laughter and tears, and I know I won’t ever forget the semester that solidified my love of teaching, including my love for my kind, thoughtful, intelligent and sweet group of students!

Okay, now I’m going to go cry until Christmas, bye.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book: 

“I am going to miss your funny accent that you use!”

“I hope your dream of teaching comes true and that you and your boyfriend have a great future and get married and your life is full of a promise of love!”

“You have been one of the best teachers I have ever had.”

“If you were not there for those lessons I would be clueless what to think.”

“I love you! You make me laugh with your funny faces.”

“Thank you for always caring and helping us – you’d be a great mom. We love you! Love, your biggest fan…”

“You are also the best teacher because you don’t raise your voice at anyone if they do anything wrong.”

“You are the funniest teacher I have ever had.”

“I am extremely sad to see you leave but I am happy that you get to become a teacher.”

“You are so happy and cheerful and make me laugh.”

“P.S. Even though I don’t like writing I wrote this letter so I hope you like it. Make sure to remember me!”

“Ms. Murdock, I know you’re weird, but weird is good.”

“I think the binder that fell on your face wanted you to stay!”

“You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met.”

“You’re really good at mini lessons! You make learning fun.”

“I am sorrowful that you will not be in our class anymore.”

“I feel like you lighten the mood in the classroom.”

“You are as sweet as cake.”

“I hope you remember us – whoever is in your future class is so lucky!”

“You always push your students to do their best – in a good way!”

“So long, Ms. Murdock!”

Thank you, 5th graders, for the best semester I ever had! 



Are any of you teachers who share a similar experience?