Winter Blues Push Through

If you saw my latest Instagram post, you know that I have (perhaps surprisingly, given my love for athleisure…) decided to join my bff Caley in a wellness challenge to get through those winter blues. Now, I’m going to be honest: This is not an easy task for me. I’m not athletic. I don’t like to be athletic. Forcing movement is considered a little bit of “chore” for me. I’m not one of those bloggers who takes photos in sports bras and leggings, telling you how easy it is to stay fit. HOWEVER – I think this is going to be really really good for me. If you read my latest post, you know I’ve been in a winter slump. I feel slushy – my skin isn’t in its best shape, I can’t tell you the last time I had a workout that wasn’t essentially a power walk, and I’m neglecting the “movement” ring on my apple watch. If I’m being honest with myself, it’s been way too long and I need to start taking better care of my body. Logically, I know exercise is really good for me, and I think this will start making me feel a lot better.

Sweatshirt is Old Navy (purchased last summer!), Jacket is J.Crew but sadly sold out. 🙁 I am hoping they make a restock. Boots are, of course, L.L. Bean gore-tex bean boots

Caley had the idea of starting a wellness challenge – something where we, despite living in different cities, had the opportunity to start moving together and feel better. Now, newsflash, Caley is super athletic. I know I’ve mentioned our friendship before, but we were roommates our freshman year of college. Ironically, we both transferred schools by our sophomore year, but we stayed close all through college. I still remember her going to the gym everyday while I ate goldfish in my bed LOL.

My point is: Whether you’re like me, someone who has to make herself move, or Caley, someone who loves it, you should join us!! We want to invite you to join our wellness challenge to get our bodies moving and feeling good! We want to push through those “winter blues” together so we can welcome spring with a fresh perspective and a happy heart. Caley and I both plan on sharing weekly updates over the next month as we move into spring – our hope is to start conversations and motivate each other to improve our overall wellness!

This is my: “I’m skeptical but also know I can do this” look.


How to participate with us:

  1. Move your body in some way shape or form (i.e. walking, running, yoga, stretching, workout classes, biking, etc.) as often as you can during the week. Try to push yourself out of your usual routine – for me, this is the ultimate challenge. I can manipulate small things during the day, such as moving a little more at work or making sure to stand every hour. But, I’m looking to push myself past my usual movement. This is something that will probably look really different for everyone, and that’s okay! Everyone approaches exercise and movement differently based on their needs. 
  2. Track your progress with a fitness tracker (i.e. fitbit, apple watch, GPS watch, etc.). Caley and I both have fitness trackers  – personally, this is the best way to track my progress. However, I used to have a fitbit for years, and I loved that as well! If you don’t have a tracker, know that your iPhone has the ability to track your steps in the health app! I have friends who do this, and they find it super helpful simply for keeping track of steps throughout the day. For me, tracking my fitness makes me feel excited about accomplishing goals. 
  3. Formal weekly updates will be shared every Sunday on our blogs (The Minty Pink and as well as our Instagram pages and stories. Use the hashtag #winterbluespushthru in your posts and tag us both – @danimurd and @caley.noble so we can all connect on our wellness journeys! Comment on the blog letting us know how you’re participating and how you’re feeling. The goal is to help us all motivate each other to push through this last bit of winter!
  4. At the end of the month, we will share our favorite moments from the challenge and reflect on our own experiences and be open and honest on whether or not this actually helped us push through our winter blues. 


Are you feeling down this winter? Comment below and let us know if you want to participate!