Being MIA & Thoughts on Instagram Likes

Hi Guys – so I promise there’s plenty of gift guides, stocking stuffer ideas and holiday content coming! It’s totally that time of year,  and I kinda can’t believe I literally haven’t posted since Halloween (I know, it’s only a few weeks – but still! To be honest, I’m feeling a bit behind. The past few weeks I’ve had a lot of stuff going on outside of the blog that I’ve been committed to working on, all good things, and I wanted to make sure I was putting 100% in.

However, now that things are able to be a bit more of a balance again, I’m back and ready to go. It was sort of an accident that it went this long – each week I had a post idea I kept putting off. Didn’t want to take the shoots, didn’t want to write the content, was just sorta feeling too tired when I actually did have the free time late at night or on the weekends.

Wearing my favorite L.L. Bean Turtle Neck, my coach sunglasses. You can’t see in this photo, but jeans are gap, plus the boots are Madewell – you can see the outfit in full in this post!

I don’t necessarily think not posting for a bit was a bad thing though. Obviously I’ve still been posting my #ootd on my stories, but I wasn’t thinking about engagement too much. It’s interesting timing, as it’s just amid the whole “no more likes” on Instagram thing. What do you guys think of that? Personally, it doesn’t bother me too much. I feel like it gives me more freedom to curate the content I want, not just what I think might get likes along the way.

I think instagram’s algorithm will start to rely more on saves and comments which, honestly, is probably more fair in the long run. I only “save” on Instagram if it’s a photo I really love, clothes I really want to buy, or a topic I’m really interested in. Basically: when I’m actually being influenced. I comment on the material I love the most because it takes a bit more effort than a double tap…obviously the effort to comment is still pretty minimal, but hopefully you catch what I’m saying. When it comes to likes, I think it’s natural to not be quite as thoughtful about it. You like things when you, well, like it! But it’s also something quick and you don’t really necessarily think about it again.

Basically, it doesn’t really matter that Instagram is kicking likes to the curb. As far as influencers, blogger, instagrammers – we are all going to be just fine. The people making money will, probably, keep on making money. It’s always a toss up when changes like this happen in the social media world but, so far, this one hasn’t bothered me too much.

*FYI, I can already see the “no likes” look of instagram, because my Instagram is a business page!*

What do you guys think of Instagram eliminating likes? D0 you agree?