Embracing Change

I’m not someone who has ever been a fan of too much change at once. We moved quite a few times when I was a toddler, and I’m told that I used to literally start crying once the cardboard boxes came out. I was always a little sad the day before my birthday as a kid, because I would never ever be a nine year old again (true story…) and the transition to college was a hard one for me because of the, you guessed it, big change

But, I adjusted! Just like we all do when big life changes happen. Here’s the thing: I have a lot of change going on for me right now, but I’m really really enjoying itIt’s all good change! New apartment, new job, new friends – the works. I think what used to (—and probably still will in the future, I make no promises—) frighten me the most about big change was the letting go of the old rather than me ever actually being fearful of what’s to come. What’s great about the changes in my life right now is that I didn’t really have to let go of anything. I still go home and see my family (my dogs!) and friends, from where I was living before, but I’ve also found a whole new adventure right here in the state I grew up in.

Dress is Gap, but sadly sold out! But this one is so so similar, I had to link it! Denim jacket is new and also from Gap (I have worn it almost every day this past week…!) Shoes are a favorite of mine by Jack Rogers. Apple Watch Band is, as always, from Etsy! 


Shirt is Gap (perfect for work) and jeans are Gap as well! They are my new favorites, I wear them constantly. Shoes are, obviously, Jacks! Bag is old L.L. Bean (when they used to use the leather straps…) but here’s their most similar tote! I highly recommend getting it monogrammed – I’ve had this bag at least five years!

 What’s really great about all this change is that it’s honestly motivated me to make other life changes as well. I’m trying a lot of new things – new work outs, new skin care routines, new restaurants, new books. Change can become such a domino affect – and usually that freaks me out, but lately it’s been even better than I imagined it would be.

Have you ever have a similar experience?